
Online Safety

Online Safety @ Appletree
At Appletree, we recognise the digital world is vast and ever changing and can be difficult to navigate for both adults and children. For that reason, online safety is a regular part of our curriculum at an appropriate level, for example, using the Jigsaw PSHE programme or our computing curriculum. 
We strive to ensure our learners become safe and responsible users of technology.
We use Project Evolve  to prioritise topics and issues on a regular basis to support pupils to apply their knowledge and keep information relevant.
 Our curriculum is further enhanced through assemblies and taking part in annual National and Global events such as Safer Internet Day and Anti Bullying week.

Staff are kept up to date with E-safety training provided by NT ICT Specialists, National College Online, our DSLs and Clenell Education Solutions .
Computing Survey Results - Spring 2024

15% of pupils have their own mobile phone


93% of pupils have their own tablet/ipad or the use of one belonging to a family member
68% of pupils have their own games console or are using one belonging to a family member
50% of pupils have access to a laptop or desktop at home
74% of pupils use a home assist device (such as an Alexa)
92% of parents report they have restrictions on device usage at home with rules - such as age restrictions, time limits, rules around language and where and when a device is allowed to be used, safe apps and transparent usage
So what?
Online safety continues to be a priority for Appletree with nearly 100% of pupils using devices connected to the internet.  
Our parent community have an ever increasing awareness of online risks and ways in which they can protect and educate their children at home.  We have regular assemblies and lessons designed to help children navigate this ever changing landscape.
Online guides are sent home weekly to parents highlighting current trends and the associated risks.  
Be Internet Legends
Helping children be safe and confident explorers of the online world.  Follow the internet legends code.


Think Before You Share

Good (and bad) news travels fast online, and children can sometimes find themselves in tricky situations with lasting consequences. But what can they do to prevent this? The answer: understand how to share smartly with those they know – and those they don’t.

Every Word Matters

  • Treat online communication the same as face-to-face communication.
  • If it isn’t right to say, it isn’t right to post. If in doubt, get guidance on what kind of communication is (and isn’t) OK.
  • Personal details about family, friends – and yourself – should stay private.


Check It's For Real

People and situations online aren’t always what they seem. Internet Legends know how to tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not.


Protect Your Stuff

Personal privacy and security are as important online as they are in the real world. Keeping valuable information safe helps children avoid damaging their devices, reputations and relationships.


Respect Each Other

The internet amplifies everything: good things seem more exciting, bad things seem much worse and can hurt – a lot. A great rule to live by online, as well as off, is ‘treat others as you would like to be treated yourself’. Children can have a positive impact on others and stop bullying in its tracks by refusing to join in.


When in Doubt, Discuss

When children come across something they're not sure about online, they should feel comfortable talking to a trusted adult. Adults can support this by showing they're open to talking, even about difficult or embarrassing things at home and in the classroom.

What is Project Evolve?
"ProjectEVOLVE is a free digital literacy toolkit that supports online development in children and young people. It assists professionals in educating, guiding and supporting them through their use of technology in their online life. The toolkit covers over 600 separate resources that cover various topics and age ranges from very young children, right up to 18.  It establishes some of the fundamental building blocks around the right sort of education needed for their online development and wellbeing."
Safer Internet Day 2024
This year to mark Safer Internet Day we invited our school improvement advisor for Computing to run a series of parent and pupil workshops to explore how technology has changed over time and how we can stay safe.