

 Grow your learning in Computing 

Curriculum Intent Statement for Computing


At Appletree, we are firmly focussed on supporting all pupils to ‘grow their learning’ in computing.  Our intent is to provide a high-quality education that equips pupils with the knowledge and skills to use technology effectively and responsibly.


Our ambitious curriculum ensures that pupils become confident users of technology, well-prepared for the demands of the digital age. We believe that computing is not just an isolated subject, but a vital skill that can be applied across various subjects and real-life situations.


Through engaging, hands-on tasks, we aim to foster a love for computing, promoting creativity, logical thinking, problem-solving, and computational skills. By doing so, we hope to empower our pupils to not only excel in the creative use of technology, but also to be efficient in basic computing skills. These skills are essential for their success in their next school and future careers, some of which have yet to be imagined!


We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment where all pupils can explore and experiment with technology. By nurturing their curiosity and providing a solid foundation in computing, we strive to open doors to endless possibilities and inspire the next generation of innovators.



To achieve our intent, we implement a well-structured and comprehensive computing curriculum that covers the key aspects of computer science, information technology, and digital literacy. Our curriculum is aligned with the National Curriculum and covers the following areas:

1. Computer Science:

  • Pupils learn how computers work, including the basic concepts of algorithms and programming.
  • They are introduced to computational thinking, enabling them to solve problems methodically and logically.
  • Pupils learn to code using various programming languages, starting with visual block-based languages

2. Information Technology:

  • Pupils learn to use a range of software tools effectively, including word processors, spreadsheets, presentation software, and graphic design tools.
  • They gain experience in handling data, learning about databases, data representation, and data analysis.
  • Pupils develop multimedia skills, including creating and editing digital content such as images, audio, and video.

3. Digital Literacy:

  • Pupils learn about online safety, including understanding the risks associated with internet use and how to protect themselves and others.
  • They develop responsible and ethical digital behaviour, including how to navigate online information and evaluate its credibility.
  • Pupils are taught about the impact of technology on society, considering the benefits, challenges, and implications of its use.

Our computing curriculum is integrated across subjects, allowing pupils to apply their computing knowledge and skills in meaningful contexts. We provide opportunities for cross-curricular projects, such as creating multimedia presentations for history projects, animating stories, research skills or using coding to simulate scientific experiments.

We also provide access to a range of devices and software to ensure pupils have hands-on experience with different technologies. We invest well in the services offered by North Tyneside Learning Trust and Education North Tyneside to provide: up to date resources to keep up with technological advancements, engaging practical sessions and workshops for children led by computing experts, regular staff training and CPD, information for parents meetings and access to alternative Computing opportunities both inside and outside of our school. 

We follow a Computing Scheme of Work created by Education North Tyneside that is in line with the 2014 National Curriculum alongside a subscription to Purple Mash. The scheme is continuously reviewed and updated by experts to reflect progression of skills and to include ever changing technologies.

National Curriculum
Computing Programme of Study KS1 & KS2
AGFS Computing Progression


Computational Thinking in the Early Years and Simple Definitions 

Computing in Early Years will be taught through a combination of  well-planned learning environments alongside the specific teaching of computational thinking skills.  These skills are embedded in the Early Years curriculum and delivered through a range of playful adult led and child initiated activities.  Much of the 'computing' in Early Years is 'unplugged' however we also provide opportunities for children to use and explore a range of technologies including: ipads, computers, IWBs, role play resources (telephones, tills, microwaves, walkie talkies etc)


Year 1

In computing most of our Year 1 children

While some children 

Computer Science

  • use the word algorithm correctly, explaining that it is a list of clear instructions

  • can follow a simple algorithm (like a recipe, or rules for a game)

  • can put a sequence in the correct order

  • know that if one part of the algorithm changes then the end result will be different

  • can name devices in school and at home that use an algorithm to work (a washing machine, alexa, BeeBot)

  • can construct their own algorithm (pictures, symbols, emergent writing or verbally) to complete an action (draw a face, move a BeeBot, make a sandwich)

  • identify when instructions are not clear enough and are beginning to make suggestions to improve them

  • make suggestions about how a wide range of devices might work

IT and Digital Literacy

  • can open a program and create work for a given task (e.g. open 2paint and produce a digital image, open 2publish+ and input text and images)

  • name different types of computer produced work (e.g. words, pictures, music, films)

  • talk about their work and suggest ways to improve it

  • are beginning to save their work in the correct folders as directed by staff

  • share their use of technology outside of school, naming common devices and their functions (computer/laptop, tablet devices, smart home devices)

  • login and off the school network with increasing speed and accuracy using appropriate scaffolding

  • list what personal information to keep private

  • name at least one action to follow if they have concerns about their online safety

  • describe the difference between some digital forms of media (music, images, film, ebooks etc.) and can make attempts at explaining the different ways that they communicate information

  • know that computers have no intelligence and that computers can do nothing unless a program is run

Year 2

In computing most of our Year 2 children

While some children 

Computer Science

  • explain what the word algorithm means using the words ‘unambiguous’ and ‘precise’ correctly in their definition

  • create their own simple (linear) algorithms

  • explain what the endpoint of an algorithm will be (e.g. predict where a BeeBot will travel to by reading a program of arrows arrows)

  • identify mistakes/errors in algorithms and make suggestions about how to make improvements (debug)

  • produce longer algorithms ensuring precision and accuracy

  • are beginning to use the word ‘if’ to suggest that there could be a choice made between two instructions

IT and Digital Literacy

  • can select or name software/app that would be appropriate for a simple given task

  • use a wider range of programs to accomplish more complex tasks (e.g. produce graphs, access age appropriate databases)

  • can open a saved piece of work, edit the project and resave with increasing accuracy

  • can find relevant content for a topic from the world wide web using a web browser

  • login without support

  • explain how to use technology safely

  • can explain the importance of keeping passwords secret and protecting other personal information

  • compares different media types and can accurately discuss these using appropriate vocabulary and in terms of the corresponding software or applications

  • know that all software executed on digital devices is programmed

Year 3

In computing most of our Year 3 children

While some children

Computer Science

  • can read simple linear algorithms in a familiar programming language (e.g. Scratch, Lego WeDo)

  • are able to predict what the outcome of a program will be, run the program and check their results

  • plan and design a program for a specific task

  • find and correct errors i.e. debugging in an algorithm written in a familiar programming language

  • show the use of sequence and repetition in programs

  • are beginning to identify errors in programs before the program is executed

  • are beginning to explore new code blocks and ask ‘what happens if?’, making changes to the code to produce new results

IT and Digital Literacy

  • refine projects that include text, sound and graphics that produce a digital artefact with a given purpose

  • collect images from devices or the internet and use simple editing tools

  • collect information from a range of sources and use this to find answers to questions

  • discuss how to improve their work and knows that by using technology any editing can be made more quickly

  • use the internet to carry out simple web searches to collect digital content

  • show an awareness of copyright and understand that digital work belongs to the author

  • know a range of ways to report unacceptable content they might encounter online

  • discuss what is appropriate contact when online

  • show increasing awareness of the quality of their digital work

  • begin to experiment with more complex editing features to produce different effects (e.g. using tables, different types of image, visual effects, layering of sound)

Year 4

In computing most of our Year 4 children

while some children

Computer Science

  • read increasing complex programs in a familiar programming language and can suggest plausible meanings for new blocks of code

  • can produce diagrams to show how the code could look before creating blocks of code on screen

  • know that programs can work with different types of data (text, numbers, sound)

  • are able to use a range of input and output devices (sensors, motors etc.)

  • are increasingly accurate when predicting outcomes that include inputs and outputs

  • produce code that is increasingly fluent (avoids unnecessary repetition, includes fewer errors, has been tested) and can read this explaining exactly what will happen

IT and Digital Literacy

  • capture good quality still and moving images considering the purpose and the audience

  • plan, produce and edit a media project (presentation, animation, film) taking into account the audience and the copyright of resources

  • can explain the difference between data and information

  • can organise data in a table to make it useful

  • use a spreadsheet to produce simple graphs

  • explain how and when to use range on online services responsibly, identifying possible risks and how they can be reduced

  • give examples of other media choices that could have been used

  • compare graphs and charts and explains what they show

To ensure staff have the necessary skills and equipment to effectively deliver the curriculum model 
SLA curriculum purchased and  followed Y1 - Y4 'TeachICTNT'
Staff have received 1:1 bespoke training following an audit.
5 new touch screen boards have been fitted to replace old technology.
We have invested in 10 netbooks to use in classrooms. 
Staff from each year group have participated in bespoke training with IT Specialist to develop pre and post unit assessments for each computing unit.

To ensure ICT learning and progression is recorded/evidenced by individual class teachers 
Staff training in evidence collection and pre and post unit assessments to be delivered in the Spring and Summer Terms led by Computer Specialist
Regular half termly assessments show over 80% of pupils are on track or above in computing
Unplugged Computing lessons are evidenced in pupil workbooks
Working walls in Computer Suite are an effective toolkit for pupils to develop independence and build upon prior knowledge.  They display current units, vocabulary and top tips to refer back to in each session.

To develop the use of technology across the curriculum
All classes and staff in KS1 and KS2 have benefitted from workshops delivered by the computing experts at TeachICTNT.
Pupils in Year 3 used their new ipad skills to create multimedia online safety videos to share with their families and friends.
KS2 used electronic timing data collected from an Orienteering Enrichment day to analyse as part of their databases unit.
Pupils are confident using ipads to research topics in classrooms.
Key Stage 2 pupils use ipads to log their school reading books regularly.
Doodle Maths has become a very popular app used by pupils in school at at home.
To raise the profile of Online Safety across the school
KS1 and KS2 now have specific online safety units in each year group.
Parents receive weekly online safety guides through parent mail.  
Pupils have enjoyed assemblies focusing on Be Internet Legends.
Appletree Gardens pupils took part in an Safer Internet Week in February building on their knowledge from new online safety units in our curriculum.
The School Council performed a short advert for parents during our Summer Term Talent Shows to highlight the importance of internet safety and our SMART rules.
All staff have been trained using Project Evolve and have been delivering bespoke internet safety lessons to their classes.  Impact evidence shows all classes have increased their awareness in each unit taught.
Online Safety coordinators have embarked on completing the 360 safe review with the support from Neil Brown and have a clear action plan moving forwards to further educate and protect our staff, pupils and families.
Staff training on Online Safety is up to date.